Monday, November 15, 2010

Identifying the Best Joint Pain Drugs

Joint pain is normally caused by arthritis, which is the inflammation in the joints and its surrounding tissues. Arthritis is actually a myriad of different conditions which share the same symptoms including pain, stiffness and persistent swelling of the affected joints. The condition normally affects the joints of the fingers, hands, feet and knees. The two most common types of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis, which is degenerative resulting from the degeneration of the cartilage around the joint, and osteoarthritis, which is an autoimmune disorder. Since millions of individual are suffering from arthritic pain, scientists continually aim to develop the best joint pain drugs.

Arthritic join pain is one of the most common disorders. In the United States, an estimated 43 million individuals are suffering from arthritic joint pain. Due to the characteristic chronic pain, arthritic joint pain can interfere with the daily activities of the affected individuals. The pain could be unbearable and thus it warrants for joint pain drugs. However, identifying the best joint pain drugs can be an arduous task especially that there are so many joint pain drugs on the market which claim to relieve the symptoms of arthritic joint pain. In treating arthritic pain, it is wise to identify those which fit as the best joint drugs as treatment option.

Why Medications Do Not Fit as the Best Joint Pain Drugs?

One of the supposed to be best joint pain drugs are the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs are commonly prescribed and used as a joint pain drug. With its ability to relieve pain by blocking prostaglandins, NSAIDs may as well be considered as the best joint pain drugs. But then, it was found that most NSAIDs are not strong enough to control the pain. Knowing this, it doctors advice to take stronger pain-relieving medications. However, it is likely that the stronger joint pain medications cause adverse side effects including gastric bleeding and liver damage.

Indeed, arthritic pain needs immediate treatment as this could be debilitating. But then, patients should not go for less than the best joint pain drugs. With the known adverse side effects associated with most joint pain drugs, it is necessary for affected individuals to seek for alternative options. The side effects of joint pain drugs cannot be underestimated and thus a safe joint pain treatment option should be considered. Considering for an all-natural joint pain treatment could be the best way for an affected individual to ease arthritic joint pain away.

Synotrex: The Best Joint Pain Drug

With so many joint pain drugs available, only Synotrex could be considered as the best joint pain drug alternative. Unlike most joint pain drugs on the market, Synotrex is all natural and thus it totally eliminates all possible side effects associated with other joint pain drugs. Individuals who have been suffering from arthritis could take Synotrex without worrying for any safety issues. The ability of Synotrex to relieve pain and other symptoms of arthritis lies on its ingredients which include COX-2 inhibitors, glucosamine and chondroitin. In addition to these pain-relieving substances, Synotrex also contains vitamins minerals and other ingredients which are essential in maintaining the health of the joints.

For more information about the best joint pain drug, visit